We provide clear aligners to our patients

It doesn’t take much (one day course to be exact) to become a aligner provider, and there are dozens of general dentists and orthodontists who offer different types of aligners in India, but remember aligner is not a product but rather a technique for moving teeth and your results will differ depending on your doctor’s experience with the product. By choosing aligner by Dr.John, you are choosing a dentist, you are choosing one of the leading dental expert.We realize that many of our adults and teenage patients are looking for a healthy, beautiful smile, but don’t love the idea of wearing braces. Well we have the perfect solution for those patients. Aligners by Dr John can address most common patient concerns, whether your teeth are crowded or have spaces between them, or even a more challenging issue like overbite, or cross-bite, aligner could be your solution.

Orthodontics dental treatment clear aligners Braces4u trivandrum

Dentcare Aligners Is The Clear Choice

Dentcare aligners are made of comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that are easily slipped over your teeth. With aligners, even your closest friends and family may never notice that you are on your way to a smooth new smile! By wearing the aligners, your teeth will gradually and gently shift into the position prescribed by Dr John, based on the exact movements indicated in your treatment plan. Utilizing dentcare aligner advanced digital and 3D technology, we even have the ability to give you a glimpse into the future where you can preview your finished result.

Aligner Is The Comfortable Choice

One of our favorite things about orthodontic treatment with aligner is the minimal impact it has on your everyday life. There are no metal brackets attached to your teeth, and no wires to tighten with aligner. Got a big job interview? No one will know that your smile is under construction. Are you the star of your school play? There is no need to worry about braces in your headshots! Best of all, there are no dietary restrictions! Because the aligners are removable, you can eat what you enjoy, when you choose to do so. Enjoy the hottest new movie premier and share popcorn with your best friend while you’re at it! With aligner maintaining excellent oral hygiene is a breeze during orthodontic treatment. Brush with ease as there are no wires or brackets you have to work around. Since the aligners are so comfortable, it’s easy to wear them for the recommended 20 to 22 hours a day without much effort.

Dentcare aligner Is Convenient Choice

As with any orthodontic treatment, your individual treatment time with aligner may vary. We will give you an estimate of time and the total investment before you start the clear journey to your dream smile. You change to a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks, until your treatment is complete. We’re here to help! We keep you on the road to aligner success with support and encouragement. Consistent visits with Dr Johns team approximately every 6-8 weeks ensure you stay on track. You’ll achieve a confident, healthy, great smile with little interference in your daily life. The best part about your aligner treatment is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation to determine if aligner is right for you! The clear, comfortable and convenient solution may be just what Dr John recommends to give you the confident, healthy, and beautiful smile you deserve.

Care your aligners

Clean your aligners twice a day

Aligners spend a lot of time in your mouth – at least 20 hours a day, so it’s nice to keep them clean and odour-free. For fresh and sparkling aligners, we recommend cleaning them twice a day when you brush your teeth.
Using an antibacterial, unscented hand soap, simply give your aligners a gentle brush with a soft toothbrush and a thorough rinse with lukewarm water. Don’t use toothpaste, which may be too abrasive and scratch your aligners. You’ll also want to use a dedicated toothbrush for obvious reasons!

Remove your aligners for drinking

One of the (many) great things about Invisalign, is that you change your aligners every 1-2 weeks, so they don’t usually have the chance to discolour. However, your aligners aren’t immune to stains, so make sure you take them out to drink anything other than water. You should also give your teeth a quick rinse before popping your aligners back in.

Store your aligners in protective case

To stop anything untoward happening to your aligners when they’re not in your mouth, make sure you store them in their protective case. We’ve heard stories of loose aligners making their way into all kinds of unsanitary places like the bottom of handbags and even bins. Cleanliness aside, you’re also more likely to lose your aligners if they’re not safely stored away.